Zimbabwe Market Watch | June 8th 2015: Zimbabwe stock market cap adds US$6 million but index falls

Harare, Zimbabwe (Capital Markets in Africa):-The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) industrial index begins on a negative note, by marginally losing 0.05 points (0.03 percent) to settle at 153.44 points. However, the market capitalization was recorded at US$ 4.00 billion adding US$6 million against previous trading session.
The market activity today recorded a turnover of US$862,669 exchanged in 15 securities via 29 trade transactions. Foreign investor buys US$285,565 and no foreign sells today. Out of the 20 traded securities, INNSCOR Africa Zimbabwe recorded to US$700,000 (accounted for 81 percent to total market turnover) and British American Tobacco Zimbabwe was recorded at US$85,500 (accounted for nearly 10 percent) and Delta Corporation Limited recorded US$54,993 (accounted for about 6 percent of total turnover).
On the market price movers, out of 15 traded securities 2 gainers, 4 loser and 9 remained unchanged, bring the market breath (measured as ratio of gainer to loser) to negative. The two gainers were Dairibord Holdings Zimbabwe and Old Mutual Zimbabwe added 2.56 percent (0.20 cents) to close at 8.00 cents and 0.41 percent (1.06 cents) to close at 258.07 cents respectively. On the other hand, the losing securities were First Mutual Holdings and Turnall Holdings fell by 23.33 percent and 4.00 percent with the closing price of 2.30 cents and 1.20 cents. Similarly, INNSCOR Africa Limited and Pretoria Portland Cement Zimbabwe lost 0.14 percent to close at 70.00 cents exchanged on 1 million and 0.08 percent to settle at 123 cents.
On a final note, the mining index ended flat today to close at close at 44.84 points. BINDURA, FALGOLD, HWANGE and RIOZIM maintained previous price levels at 4 cents, 1 cent, 3.40 cents and 12.50 cents respectively.